Lunch Talk with Themba Mbuyisa

Themba Mbuyisa Lunch Talk
12 June 2014
1pm – 2pm
Market Photo Workshop Auditorium

Market Photo Workshop will host a lunch talk by Themba Mbuyisa. Mbuyisa will be sharing his research and experience gained during the Rural.Scapes residency he attended in São Paulo, São José do Barreiro, Santa Teresa Farm. The residency programme ran from 8 May till 23 May 2014.

About Themba Mbuyisa
Themba Mbuyisa studied photography at the Market Photo Workshop in 2013 where he completed the Foundation and Intermediate courses in Photography. As a portrait and fashion photographer, Mbuyisa participated in the Rural.Scapes – lab in Residency in São Paulo, São José do Barreiro, Santa Teresa Farm 2014. He was a finalist in the Elle magazine Style Reporter 2013 blogging and photographical competition.

©Themba Mbuyisa
©Themba Mbuyisa