Visual Hillbrow
(Un)healthy spaces photographed by men in inner-city Johannesburg.
The Market Photo Workshop and the Reproductive Health and HIV Research Unit at the University of the Witwatersrand are proud to present Visual Hillbrow, an exhibition showcasing photographs produced during the Visual Hillbrow Photography Training Project. This project, undertaken in April 2010, sought to provide insights about how men in the high-density, multi-cultural suburb of Hillbrow experience life in the area.
The knowledge acquired through the project will contribute to ongoing research into men’s responses to health issues. Through photography and other techniques, project participants documented how they live from day to day. Photojournalism and Documentary Photography Programme students at the Market Photo Workshop trained participants in photography and editing skills, and provided added support by accompanying them as they moved about Hillbrow to capture images.
About the Market Photo Workshop
The Market Photo Workshop, a Johannesburg-based school of photography and resource centre for practising photographers, has played an integral role in the training and growth of South Africa’s photographers for 20 years. It is a division of The Market Theatre Foundation.
About RHRU
The RHRU was founded in 1994 by Professor Helen Rees and has earned an international reputation in the field of reproductive health, as well as of HIV and related infectious diseases. RHRU is based in Hillbrow, and now works in four provinces.